Helping every Malaysians achieve their own version of financial wellness.
It means... ➡️ not having to live paycheck to paycheck ➡️ gaining control of your finances ➡️ rethinking the way Malaysians view personal finances ➡️ everyone gets a chance regardless of your income bracket

Read more to learn about the goal and 3 research questions anchoring our product convo

Our Goal

🎯 Grow mangro On-Demand Pay to MVP

Research Questions

Undertaking a big project like this, especially starting from a blank canvas can be terrifying. To help us reach our goal, we’ve identified 3 Research Questions to help anchor our journey as the project unfolds over the course of 10 months.


How might we serve Malaysians to better understand their needs with financial wellness?

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How might we reduce gaps during onboarding experience so that employee uptake increase by 50%?

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How can we better serve B40 non-office workers with financial wellness?

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